Super Gooey Chocolate Cupcakes – Cupcakes de Chocolate
A few days ago, we were at Costco and my husband wanted to buy some chocolate...
Steamed Chocolate Filled Buns – Pan al Vapor Relleno de Chocolate
Have you ever had a recipe that you really want to try and always forget to...
Tofu Waffles with Baked Banana Sauce – Waffles de Tofu con Salsa de Plátano Horneada
Cooking experts have always told me that using the same pancake batter to make waffles, is...
Vegan Bolognese (Even Meat Eaters will Love it!)– Boloñesa Vegana (¡Incluso a los amantes de la carne les encantará!)
After several weeks of sharing a lot of sweet recipes, now it’s time for a savory...
Pain D’Épices – Pan de Especias
Today I share a traditional French recipe, I’m talking about Pain D’Épices (in English it would...
Chickpea Brownies – Brownies de Garbanzos
For those who have being following me for some time in Sweet Cannela, it might not...
Tamarind, Date & Cardamom Loaf Cake – Panqué de Tamarindo, Dátiles y Cardamomo
A coworker knows I have a food blog, and although I am sure he has never...
Bloody Mary Scones – Scones de Bloody Mary
I had been dreaming about preparing scones, they are one of my favorite breads and I...
Mocha Ice Cubes – Hielos de Moca
These days, the weather has been really hot in Mexico City. Between the heat and the...
The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies – Las Mejores Galletas de Chispas de Chocolate
The title may seem a bit exaggerated, but it is the first time I ended up...
Passion Fruit Panna Cotta – Panna Cotta de Maracuyá
After making several passion fruit desserts, I promise this is the last one I will share...
Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Cashew Ice Cream – Helado con Galleta de Crema de Cacahuate
Spring is here! Mexico City was quite warm this past week, we reached 30°C (86° F)!...
Matcha Vegan Loaf Cake – Panqué Vegano de Té Matcha
I always try to cook something green on St. Patrick’s Day, last year I made some...
Passion Fruit Truffles – Chocolates Rellenos de Maracuyá
Once again I share a recipe made using passion fruit curd, this time it is about...
Passion Fruit Cookies – Galletas de Maracuyá
Taking advantage that I had a good amount of passion fruit curd, I decided to use...
Apricot & Nuts Granola Bars – Barras de Granola con Nueces y Chabacanos
On Saturday was my husband’s 30th birthday, so I prepared a Kit Kat cake, one of...